Not as straight forward as I'd hoped...


After 7 years together and 5 years of trying me and my boyfriend finally got our little miracle Dean.

I didn't have an easy pregnancy with vomiting every day up to 28 weeks, having to inject myself daily with blood thinners because of a past dvt, losing a lot of weight over the course of the pregnancy and having to take my maternity leave early due to severe SPD pain.

I had to be induced at 41+4 because he didn't want to make my life easy 😂 little did I know that his birth would be extremely traumatic and would make my hellish pregnancy look like a walk in the park.

By 6am I was 6cm dilated but everytime I had a contraction my boys heartbeat would drop. I was examined twice where the doctors would take blood from the top of his head to test his oxygen levels.

They couldn't figure out why his heartbeat was dropping, when the night staff changed over in the morning, every doctor in the labour department came in to view his chart, that's when I knew something was horribly wrong.

The department lead told me that they were going to give me an emergency c-section because something was wrong.

To say I was terrified was an understatement, I'd had the epidural put in at around 5am and i didn't have a lot of feeling in my legs but my body shook uncontrollably from fear, my boyfriend had to try and calm me down throughout the procedure but I had shook that much that my shoulders ached for days after and I struggled to hold our son.

After 11 hours in labour and an emergency c-section my boy was born with his cord wrapped round his neck at 11:06 on the 28th October weighing 7 pounds 9 oz and 51cm long.

The fun didn't end there though, two days after his birth I was due to be discharged. They done a routine blood test and found that my iron levels were dangerously low so I had to have an iron transfusion which meant that we didn't get to go home until 1am on the 31st.

The look of absolute happiness in his face made the wait for our boy worthwhile ❤️

My dad and my younger sister meeting him for the first time ❤️

Wearing his Halloween outfit on the day we got home.