Things i did to get a BFP 😍


Hey guys so i thought this would be helpful as i know this is what i wanted to know when people announced...

Firstly we'd been ttc for 2yrs with zero luck.

Things i did different:

*2nd month using pre seed

*we also decided to try home insemination- a sterile pot and syringe (there are youtube vids that explain how to!) We inseminated twice during fertile week- 2days before ovulation and once after.

*we also only had sex the once- day before ovulation.

* i didnt specifically tell hubby when was fertile week this month as sometimes can put too much pressure on him- although you would of thought the pot & syringe may have been a giveaway 😂🙈

*i was also making a concious effort to eat a little healthier this month.

*After every BD/insemination i put legs in the air for at least 20mins.

Symptoms i had right from ovulation:

*i had cramping right from ovulation which never went away right up until today (im now 7wks)

*i developed cold like symptoms which made me feel exhausted and rough.

*boobs hurt which is normal prior to AF but on the outsides instead of all over.

*i did get spotting which again is normal for me right before AF however it just didnt get any heavier.

*i also strangely felt super calm & content throughout.

I tested the day after i was late for AF and got a blazing line. I know its hard but i actually recomend waiting till AF missed to test!

I really hope this can help some of you ladies... and i 100% reccomend the home insemination as that is the main thing that was different for us this month. Please feel free to ask any questions Xx