It’s going to be a rough night


My poor little love 😫 I had no idea an eeg could last up to 2 days. We had a particularly rough morning with suspected infantile spasms so we’ve been admitted the the pediatric neuro floor for tests. They said it could last up to 48 hours to get a good picture of what’s going on.

He’s been a trooper so far

Update -

So far they’ve found high sodium and potassium even though he isn’t showing signs of dehydration. His urine output is a bit excessive though so they’re checking that too.

He also has high bilirubin which kind of ticks me off because I told the doctor at both his one month and 2 month well checks that I thought he was looking more jaundiced again and wanted to do a heel stick. I got pushed off both times “it’s probably residual (from newborn jaundice) and should go away soon”.

Not certain what any of this really means yet but they did some more blood draws to try to figure more stuff out before they explain the possibilities of what this could all indicate.