Here is some very useful advice any girl could use...


Shaving Legs

To avoid strawberry legs always exfoliate before and after shaving. This will also remove any dead skin making your legs smooth. Personally I recommend using shaving gel or conditioner. Shaving gel gives you a close shave and conditioner is very moisturizing. If you want, use shaving cream but personally I don’t think it gives that close shave.Men’s razors are also just better in general lol. Shave the direction your hair grows especially if your skin is sensitive. Sometimes I go back and forth on stubborn areas.

Taking care of “Down There”

Don’t use scented soaps when washing down there. Feminine soaps can mess up your PH and perfumes up there is not a good idea.

When you sleep I really recommend not wearing underwear. It’s gonna let your flower breath. (It also boost confidence to sleep naked.) If you aren’t comfortable with that maybe just wear loose shorts with no underwear. Also with that cotton and/or lace undies should be worn majority of the time.

When it comes to your period please ladies make sure your changing that out especially tampons. I recommend carrying your products with you all the time. With that carry some good old fashion baby wipes or unscented wipes bc sometimes TP doesn’t cut it. Again with wipes stay away from scented things.


So we all know you should wait 4 hours to take another does of ibuprofen or Tylenol, but it doesn’t last 4 hours. What you can do for cramps or any pain is take a dose of ibuprofen/Tylenol, then two hours later, take a dose of the other one, then so on. Idk if that makes sense but it’s perfectly safe.

If you don’t have a heating pad I have 2 make-shift ideas: get a water bottle (the 1 use thin ones) and fill it with really hot water from the faucet. Or get hot water on a rag.

These are all the tips I can think of I may add more. Please feel free to add to this lol. One quick disclaimer: I am no expert and I don’t mean to tell anyone their wrong. This is really what I’ve learned from other women (mom,sisters, <a href="">eve</a> members, flow members, countless YouTube videos.). I really do hope this has helped you in any way.