Gender neutral party

Im making this anonumous because on other apps i had people finding me on my social media. It got pretty bad. 

Before judgement, just remember its my life and not yours. God is the only one to judge.

*Little back story*

Im very open minded person and i have a older son with a ex that was very religious beliefs. When we had our baby, i very much a no blue colors,  i hate the stigma of boys blue and sports and girls pink and flowers. 

Growing up i hated dressess and i hated pink. I was very much a tom boy. 

My ex pretty much wanted our son to have spot theme and i bought green and yellows and he would get piss off about it.

Last year my son(8yrs) ask me if he was boy or girl and my response was " what do you want to be? " he sat, and thought about it and came back with a BOY!.  Hahaha i let him choose his clothes and toys.  I dont push him to pick certain toys and such. I also have a very close friend thats trans. 


Im expecting. My SO and i both know the sex and were even doing a neutral name. Instead of the traditional boy and girl party. I want to do a name reveal party.

Also it is our rainbow baby too. 

So i have some ideas and i would like to make this a beautiful and different type party. I would LOVE to have some of you ladies input and ideas. So please post pic ideas and such. No negativity, just a beautiful open mind. Is all i ask.

ALSO im NOT leaving the sex out of party. Im still in a creative mind on how to do so. I stold some of these ideas and would love more ideas.