One Night Stand pt.14 (trigger violence/sexual assault)

Dylan had never opened himself up to anyone like he had with Summer. He truly loved her, but now he was a bit regretful for telling her how he felt. He felt ready to tell her, but she wasn’t ready to hear it. He decided to give her some space. So for the next month, they had no communication between the two of them.

During that time, Summer continuously beat herself up for hurting Dylan & running away when he said “I love you”. She felt that she didn’t deserve him & at the same time she was secretly hanging on to the possibility of getting back with Greg. Why get involved with someone new when she could still be with Greg. After all, he had been trying to get a hold of her. She finally texted Greg back after the multiple texts she’s received from him. I her gut, Summer didn’t feel right about having Greg back in her life m, but at the moment she was comforted by the familiarity he brought. Greg came over a couple of times to her townhouse after work to hang out or eat dinner. Greg would often end their night with trying to get Summer to have sex with him. She always denied him. Grandma hated him & couldn’t believe Summer let him back in her life. She would stay in her room or out in the garden whenever he came over just to avoid him.

Greg: Summer, I’m really glad you gave me a second chance.

Summer: Let’s just take things slow ok?

Greg: Yeah, of course.

Summer: So, how’s work been?

Greg: I’ve been taking up the graveyard shifts & earning more through that. It’s been busy, but hey it’s worth the extra pay.

Summer: That’s good.

Greg: Is your grandma not joining us for dinner?

Summer: No, she’s not.

Greg: Ok, I guess more for us then.

Greg scooped more servings into his plate.

Greg: So your grandma mentioned you made a friend.

Summer: Well, I’m always making new friends.

Greg: Yeah, she said it was a guy?

Summer: Yeah.

Greg: So tell me about him?

Summer: Why are you getting jealous?

Greg: Should I be?

Summer: Greg, we were broken up? And I’m not even gonna mention my best friend...

Greg: Hey, that’s in the past, Summer. I haven’t talked to her in months.

Summer continued eating & suddenly felt insecure. She instantly regretted talking to Greg & allowing him to come back into her life. After dinner, Greg & Summer were watching tv on her bed.

Summer: Greg, it’s getting late.

Greg wasn’t taking the hint that she wanted him to leave. Greg started getting handsy & forceful.

Summer: Greg, stop it. I told you I wanted to take things slow.

Greg: Summer, I’m so horny.

Summer: Well, go take care of it by yourself.

Greg: Come on Sum, Marissa couldn’t do it for me. I need you...

Summer: Don’t mention Marissa...

Greg pinned Summer down on the floor & covers her mouth with his hand. He was hovering over her body & he started unbuckling his belt & unzipping his pants. Summer screamed at one point to which Greg slapped her face. Summer struggled, but she stopped trying to scream & stopped trying to push Greg off. In that moment she became numb & she thought back to a month ago when she last saw Dylan. She closed her eyes & imagines she was safe with Dylan as Greg basically tore off her clothes to assault her. He slipped on a condom before thrusting himself into her hard & his grunting made her cringe & hate herself even more. She felt used & she just wanted to die.

Summer: Greg, stop. You’re hurting me.

Greg ignored her. It lasted for about 5 minutes, but seemed longer. After Greg finished he stood up, got dressed, kissed Summer & walked out. Summer felt disgusted & hated herself for trusting Greg again. How could she let this happen?

Grandma didn’t hear the struggle, but heard when Greg was coming down the stairs. She saw him out of the house & told him never to come back. He turned around & gave the darkest smirk before walking away. Summer ran into the bathroom & locked herself in. Grandma knocked on the door, but Summer ignored her.

Grandma: Summer? Summer, open up honey!

After an hour of being locked in there, Grandma didn’t hear any noise so she banged on the door. Then she got worried so she called Dylan.