Rh negative and miscarriage


I went in for my 10 week ultrasound this week and the baby had no heartbeat, heartbeat was confirmed a week earlier. When my OB called to discuss my options she asked me if I knew my blood type. Upon further tests it turns out I’m RH negative and will need to have the Rhogam shot when the baby passes. I’ve been with a different fertility clinic for the last year. This is my second pregnancy, I miscarried 6 months ago and never received the shot from my fertility clinic. In addition, in this pregnancy I had a subchorionic hemorrhage with bleeding at 6 weeks and still no shot. Could this be the cause of my miscarriage? I’m so confused and almost angry that my fertility doctor never told me I was RH negative or gave me this shot. I know there could be many reasons for the loss but my head just keeps spinning that this has something to do with it. Has anyone else had this experience? And am I at risk now for all of my other pregnancies regardless if I get the shot? Any thoughts appreciated.