Potential premie help


Hi all.

I am looking for some guidance- I’m sorry if this isn’t the right group; I just wasn’t sure where else to look for advice. There is a very good chance our baby will come premature or just barely “full term”. I am 28 weeks as of November 9th (tomorrow/today depending on where you live)- today I believe I have started leaking amniotic fluid I went into L&D they tested it and the test was negative however they didn’t see any discharge but I was still leaking clear fluids but not enough to keep me. My OB said since I have an appointment Monday morning send me home as I wasn’t contracting strong enough for the monitors to register it. If my water full blown ruptures or contractions escalate I need to go back in. She plans on checking me if I’m still leaking and also plans on checking fluid levels.

Obviously if he comes this soon he won’t be coming home for quite a while however what do we need to do to prepare for a premie? I want to be as prepared for the unexpected as possible.

Thank you for any advice.