Exclusively Pumping Moms!!!

I’m thinking about pumping only as I just can’t seem to get a good latch. Baby girl will not open big enough for deep latch. If she does it takes about 100 times. I’m curious what your schedule looks like. Do you pump every three hours and feed every three hours? My baby girl is 1 month old today. I’m also a stay at home mom and my baby is not the best baby. She doesn’t like to be put in a swing and she’s not napping very well right now. I’m thinking this may be harder for me in the long run. 🤷‍♀️

Any help or advice is appreciated.

Does your schedule look something like this?

6:00- Bottle

7:00- pump for 20 min

9:00- Bottle

10:00- pump for 20 min

12:00- Bottle