Formula Feeding... Really just looking for words of encouragement


Hey ladies,

My baby boy will be 3 weeks tomorrow...and The baby blues have been hitting me pretty hard since he was born. Biggest reason being that due to latching issues and me literally not having enough time to pump as much as I needed to to keep him fed, he has been getting primarily formula for the last week and a half-ish. Now, I 100% know I could have tried harder to breastfeed/pump enough for him. But the baby blues mixed with time issues mixed with him being super fussy any time I did give him breast milk made me decide to do formula. However, the guilt is eating me alive and I could use some words of encouragement that he will still thrive and be ok even being a formula fed baby.

Also, for those of you who are/have formula fed your babies...did you have issues with your baby being backed up/constipated at all? The last couple days my boy has been backed up...which just adds to the guilt 😢. Anything I can do for him that you all know of? Thank you in advance ❤️