This infertile Mama was having twins...


Hey everyone!!! I went in for my first prenatal appointment yesturday and the doctor told me I was carrying twins! After being told I was infertile I turned up pregnant with twins! Doc found the strong heart beat on twin A (made me 😢 ) and measured to be 7 weeks 6 days, but he couldnt find the heart beat on twin B. Twin B was only measuring at 6 weeks and 4 days. Doc thinks I might be going through Vanishing Twin Syndrome but he wont be able to tell me 100% until my next appointment.

Heres my ultra sound. You can see my two sacs but only one baby.

Has anyone ever been through this? What was the result and how do you cope? I know I definitely have one healthy child in there but the thought of losing one of my twins is bringing me great pain! Does twin B have a chance or are they really a vanishing twin loss?