Sleeping and burping conundrum

Lisa • Proud Momma of my beautiful rainbow baby born oct 2019 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 Step Momma to 2 boys and 1 girl.

So tell me am I the only one who hasn't figured this out, cause it's a real struggle. My LO is 4 weeks old, and I've just started getting her to sleep in her co sleeper bed/bassinet this past week, before that she would only sleep on me or my husbands chest. She will typically sleep in her bed about 2 hours, sometimes 3, and then wake up to nurse. So I'm super happy with this development but the one thing I'm having a hard time with is burping at nighttime. Once I'm done feeding her she's typically already falling back asleep and I can easily put her back in her bed and she'll sleep another 2 hours. BUT if I try to burp her before I lay her down she instantly wakes up and starts crying. I know I need to burp her but I also want her to sleep. Everything that says to keep them upright for 20 to 30 minutes after nursing and make sure they burp... well I'm just keeping it real because that is way easier said than done. I tried burping her quite a few times last night but she got very fussy and didn't sleep as well and now I have an overly tired baby today that I'm having a hard time putting down for a nap 😫