Ugh, thanks for the stress

My ob was out, so I meet a different ob. This one I refuse to go back too. I said I had pressure in my hips and vagina that it hurts so bad and I’m over being pregnant(26weeks pregnant). She’s like you can’t have the baby now, he will die. Which I don’t want to have baby yet but I’m over it(I can be over it and still push through, just how I’m feeling) and I’m high risk for premature labor. This ob should of never said that, I can go into labor anytime and she basically put more stress and fear of what happens if I go into labor now(they won’t even try to stop my labor as I had two other children prematurely, it’s just my body is over it and ready). She knows I’m high risk for that because she’s like your body hates pregnancy what are you gonna do to stop from getting pregnant anymore. She was just very insensitive. 😭😢