Nervous to announce to in-laws

My MIL doesn’t really like me and she normally avoids me but when she found out I was pregnant with my first she started being really fake with me because she wanted to be around the baby all the time. It annoyed me and honestly it hurts me that she doesn’t care about actually helping with anything ( I don’t have parents or family that helps other than my husband) she’s just all about what she wants and it was honestly very hard for me to have her over a lot when I was not sleeping, had milk soaking through my shirts all the time and was cluster feeding for what seemed like forever, was barely able to shower, had to cook, clean, etc. Maybe it’s just me but having visitors was so draining during the first few months and when I finally had a chance to actually sit and hold/play with my baby I really wanted that time.

This is pretty much just a rant but I’m nervous for the fake sucking up to start again after we announce our second pregnancy and then have the added pressure of having to cater to what she wants. She barely invites us to her house because she has 3 crazy German shepherds and idk she doesn’t like to clean her house for visitors. Just wondering if anyone understands how I feel about this? Not really looking for comments about how I’m just a selfish bitch or anything like that, thanks