Diaper removal during sleep



My son is pretty regularly removing his pants and diaper... and sometimes his shirt during his nap time and even overnight! He seems to wake up - quietly strip and then go back to sleep! This even includes those footie pajamas that are pretty tricky to unzip and remove 😬 any tips?! Anyone else doing this? About 50% of the time he’ll have peed or 💩 in his crib!! 😰

Baby #2 will be here next week so I’m not ready to transition out of the crib or reattempt potty training! HELP!

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I’ve heard putting pjs on backwards, and a sleep sack also


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Our daughter started doing this months ago and we’ve been putting her jammies on backwards so the zipper is in the back! It was fine until the diaper started coming off too. Now she can’t reach the diaper so it’s a win for us!