Should I message her again or just leave it alone?

So I feel super lame even writing this post lol but there was this girl that I worked with for a while, we got along great at work and would always chat with each other throughout our shift (our desks were right across from each other), we’d go out for lunch together and got along well. Eventually she stopped working there and a few months later I stopped working there as well but we always text back and forth to catch up once every couple weeks or so. Well we’re both pregnant right now and neither of us are working and our babies are due a few months apart. About a month ago maybe we had planned to hang out the week after and were supposed to set up a day to get together for coffee. I was super excited (this is why I feel lame lol) because I only moved to where I live a couple years ago and really don’t have many friends so I was excited to have another lady to chat with and it was a bonus that our kids were going to be close in age. Well I ended up coming down with the worst cold ever so I text her and apologized and said I was really sick and we all know how much it sucks being sick while pregnant so I said I didn’t want to pass it on to her and asked if we could hang out when I was feeling better. She replied said all was good and I didn’t think much of it. So I probably text her a week or two after and told her I was feeling better and tried to set up coffee again and she never replied which didn’t bother me. I just assumed she was busy or whatever so I left it alone and didn’t text her again for a while to see if she would message me. After maybe two weeks it was Halloween and I just thought like maybe she never got my message or something stupid, technology can fail so i just sent her a text being like “happy Halloween! Hope everything’s good with you” and again she never replied so I was super disappointed but I haven’t messaged her since cause I didn’t want to be annoying but at the same time I know I never did anything wrong and I don’t see why she just stopped responding so in my head I keep thinking like does she just hate me or did she get a new number or something... I really don’t know, so now I’m thinking should I message her one last time on Facebook or should I just let it go and cut my losses? Like I said I feel dumb even writing this but I was seriously so excited to finally have an adult female to talk to ☹️

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