Customized ring!

Soooo I’m super excited! My boyfriend and I are getting engaged and we decided to have a custom made ring.

I searched. And searched. And searched. All over Pinterest, zales, Kays, other jewelers I’ve never even heard of, local jewelers, Etsy, and more. And I never did find one that was perfect. I found one that was really close, and we almost bought it, but I did some thinking and decided that it just wasn’t “me”.

So we decided to go to our local jeweler (shopping local makes it even better!) and we have an appointment to meet with him the first week in December (he’s booked up because of Christmas engagements and they’re not open on thanksgiving or that weekend) to see how to make the perfect ring and still be in our budget!

I’m so excited!

I know most people are probably just like “why isn’t he picking out your ring?” Or “you shouldn’t be picking out your own ring”. Well, my boyfriend and I made it together. We found a few pictures that we both loved and have decided to put them all together to create OUR OWN! I know, I shouldn’t worry whether he likes it or not, but even though I’m the one that will be wearing it, he’ll be the one paying for it. So I really wanted something we both loved.

It feels great to know that I won’t be settling for something I kind of liked just because I couldn’t find anything better. I’m so happy and excited!!

I won’t be there to see how it actually turns out, I’ll just be there for our first appointment to design it. After that, it’s all him. So if there’s money left in our budget to add a little something, he decides that.

Okay enough about me, I’d love to see everyone’s beautiful rings in the comments!! And please, share your engagement stories, ladies! 🥰🥰🥰