Am I being too needy?

I’ve been with my bf for years, live with him, but I still feel like sometimes I just really want to be shown affection more often. I’ve told him this many times before and he doesn’t really try. Like today I came home from going out with my fam and I tried talking to him about our day and he wasn’t really interested in talking much as usual (his excuse is he’s always tired from work). He grabbed my thighs and arms and messed with them (like biting them or squeezing-that’s how he thinks he shows affection 🙄) Then he turns his attention back on some stupid YouTube thing he was watching. I asked him to turn it off. He wouldn’t turn it off so I did. I got on top of him and tried being flirty and he just laid there, but he got hard. I gave him a hell of a blow job because I’m on my period. Then after he put on a movie he’s already seen before, I was really just craving affection and laid my head on him. He never puts his hands on me so I had to grab his hand from off of his head (he plays with his hair all the time) and put his hand around me. Not much later he took his hand off from me again and I just looked up at him. He said stop looking at me! I got mad and just left the room and he hasn’t came to check on me, he’s still watching this movie he’s already seen before! Please tell me honestly am I being too needy/annoying or do I deserve better affection? I know he loves me but he leaves me feeling a little empty most days. Maybe our love languages are different but I don’t know how to get what I need from him?