Nosy and judgemental co workers

I’m over halfway done with my pregnancy and my boyfriend was getting anxious to get the word out to everyone that we’re expecting a baby girl in 2020. I was timid to do a Facebook announcement because I’m very private and hate being the center of attention but we posted one anyways. We received so much love and positivity online but when I went back to work the next day I had co workers who I rarely talk to coming up to me asking really personal questions such as what kind of health insurance do you have, have you figured out day care situation, etc. just being overall nosy and I can’t help but shake the feeling that everyone is talking negatively about me and judging me.. has anyone else had similar situations and how did you deal with it? I have anxiety and have dealt with it my whole life but ever since I found out I’m pregnant it’s really hard to let go of work when I come home and it’s starting to affect me mentally.. please help