Advice: family drama


So this is going to be a long post, I apologize in advance... I'm going to be 100% honest, y'all PLEASE tell me if I'm doing the right thing or being unreasonable.

So to start at the beginning.. my husbands Grandmother is 55, thinks she's 25, doesn't have her own house but bounces from family members without asking or warning, wears skin tight clothing, is VERY masculine and aggressive from taking testosterone, is incredibly self centered, and has a past with hard drugs and alcohol addiction.

So while I was pregnant, she would call at 3-4am and tell my husband that she was almost to our house (she lives 6 hours away) and to put our dogs up so she could let hers out. This wasn't a big deal...the first 5 times. But it became almost monthly. She doesn't pay for ANYTHING, leaves stuff everywhere all around the house, and locks our OUTSIDE dogs (retriever and husky) in my laundry room for 8-10 hours at a time so that her French Bulldog can freely roam my house/outside and pees everywhere! Never tells us when she will come back at night, but doesn't mind ignoring our calls and then waking us up at 2-3am to let her back inside. Basically she was using us, as I saw it. But my husband is very very kind and considering it's his grandmother, was trying to help her out.

My baby shower, she always has to be center of attention so she waits till my family is walking out and follows them gets in their car as they try to leave, and then eventually comes back in. Plops herself down in the middle of the living room with some made up lies that my mom and grandmother just said they didn't want my baby! Totally embarrassed me in front of all my husbands family members. For a lie.

Next, I had a traumatic delivery and was in ICU. She calls me and before even asking if I'm okay, starts to chew me out because I haven't posted it to Facebook yet. I told her I was in ICU and would post my child when I got to feeling like it. She then told her son to post a picture because "She said it's okay"

Then my sister in laws sweet 16 is that weekend. My child is 8 days old and I've been out of the hospital for 4 days. She's calling my husband and telling him he needs to bring the baby over. He tells her that the party is at 6 and we will be over there shortly before. She gets mad and hangs up. She calls again at 2 and is mad again, asking where the hell we are. So we decide to go ahead and go at 3. We blowout a tire on the way and she of course won't answer the phone. We broke the tire iron and had to wait 45 minutes for another one to be brought by our neighbor. She then calls again, pissed off, saying we blew out the tire on purpose just to stall.

We get to the party and walk in. She says nothing to either of us, but jerked my 8 day old baby from my arms and leaves the room. I tried to play cool and asked my MIL if she needed help with anything. Then baby starts crying after 10-15 minutes and I go to get her so I can BF. Grandmother is of course angry and husband tells her to give me the baby. She then is going off to MIL about me not bringing pumped bottles as I go to the guest room.

I come back out and she's ignoring me so I put baby in RingSling. She walks up shortly after and tells me to take it off because she wasn't done yet. I walk inside to ask my husband to help me take it off and he says we just put it on so no. She then loses her mind saying "well fuck it. I am just leaving then. I came down here and you act like I cant do anything with her!" She then proceeded to back me into the kitchen sink. My husband pulled her into the bedroom saying that she wasn't about to ruin his sisters party. She then told me that I was worthless, fucked up, didn't deserve to be his wife or babies mother.

After that, she made me give her the baby, wouldn't let me hold her again that night, and gave her formula without my permission because she wouldn't let me BF her.

Now I refuse to see her, speak to her, or send pictures of baby to her. But she will be there at Christmas so I have to play pretty. Honestly I'm still upset over her actions and don't want her around my child. I think she's toxic and I don't think it's okay that she was screaming in my face while I'm holding my newborn. Plus she has no respect for my rules, especially the no kissing! Andddd she has genital herpies and that makes me 100x more paranoid about her kissing my child.

If you read all this, thank you! Am I being ridiculous? What would y'all do in my situation? Any advice?!