Getting over my baby daddy

Gabriella • 25. Aries.

As some of you may know I’m 21w4d pregnant. My brand i had a ROUGH and i mean ROUGH time dealing with each other the beginning of my pregnancy. We broke up when i was 12-13? Weeks and argued

But now we have been trying to be cordial for the baby.

Finding out the gender kind of helped us to be kinder and laugh again

So i never got over him. He has said he doesn’t love me in that way anymore but will be here for me and loves me as a person...

I feel like i still love him tho and he’s mentioned possibly getting married since we have a love for eCh other and i know i need to protect myself. It’s very confusing for me and over excited me to hear.

I’d like to know how to let this love for him i have to. The more and more i try to be friendly or mature the more i miss us. Cause we’re laughing and suddenly not ignoring each other’s calls.

And I’m confusing that for “maybe we can make this work”

Help lol

I really want to be friendly but also not love him. Or is that just normal.

Will i get used to it?