Do you think people from other countries unfairly judge Americans?


Please, for everything that’s good don’t shame people. If you see something you don’t agree with just move along. Let’s discuss not tear down. Thanks 🙏

P.s : examples might not be as well written but I do hope you get the point.

So do you think people from other countries unfairly judge Americans ?

By the news, social media (any kind), stereotypes, and the actions of others.

Why or why not

Some stereotypes I’ve heard a lot

Americans are:

Loud and obnoxious (these type of people exist everywhere)

Obese (do they think everyone is fat here)

Stupid and uneducated (there are intelligent people here)

Don’t travel(traveled via semi truck across the USA) Edit: haven’t travelled outside USA because I don’t have a passport but plan on getting one in the near future. Just had to clarify that.

Oblivious to the world(just rather not watch the news.)

Rude( people like this exist everywhere)

Have American flags everywhere (I don’t even have a flag nor do I want one 😂)

Media wise:

Well there’s trump and no one is stopping him from talking 😬 or at least give the man proper things to say. (Not all Americans support him and this is not a debate about him) (also he is not the only shitty president to get elected ok I’m off this topic now)

Moving on...

How Americans present themselves on social media. Do you judge or let it be? Especially if it’s on certain topics like parenting, discipline, education, etc

For people who aren’t American:

Do you judge all Americans as individuals or as a whole?

Where do you get your information from?

Why do you judge or not judge?

Do you think your judgement is true?

For the Americans:

Do you think some of these things or other stereotypes are true about you?

Have you ever been unfairly judged by a person from another country?

Do you take the time to get their point of view ?

Do you judge other people in different countries? Why or why not