Work related rant...

So I got a job about a month ago. It’s been going really well for me and I’m good at what I’m doing. About a week ago about 3 or 4 people quit so my boss was looking for more people to hire since the holidays are right around the corner and it’s already getting packed at the store. So I told my bf about it so he could hand in the resume. He got the job. The only thing is that we need to keep the fact that we are bf and gf from our boss so she doesn’t fire one of us or both. At least for a week or two so she sees that we do our job well and not be all gugu and lovey dovy while working. Which I’m ok with cause come on it’s work we know we need to be professionals

I just think it’s stupid that we even have to keep it a secret out of fear we might get fired. I mean. If we do the job well and be profesional at work where is the problem ?