Sensitive skin 😭

Lori 🦋💙👶🏽 • Hot Momma 🥵 Married 01/08💕 Cj 01/11/18💙 BabyDaniely due 03/23/20 💕

I’ve never had really sensitive skin (except on my face, I can only use cetaphil or just plain water on my face) but I’ve always been able to use scented soaps and I have a collection of exfoliating body washes I always use . Well now all of a sudden over the past 2 weeks, my skin has had a reaction to every single soap I own. My bar soap, my body wash, my sugar scrubs, my scented lotions even my deodorant. Anything with fragrance in it makes me itch nonstop to the point where my skin is red and bumpy 🤦🏽‍♀️. So now I’m stuck using stinky black soap to bathe because its unscented . However I refuse to walk around without deodorant so I’m applying my deodorant and then scratching furiously afterwards because I don’t trust unscented deodorants🤷🏽‍♀️. I didn’t have this issue with my last pregnancy. Anyone else’s skin extremely sensitive lately?