Cautiously optimistic

Crystal • 4 failed IUIs before Fresh IVF cycle July 2016 which resulted in my 3 year old daughter. FET Jan 2018 resulted in miscarriage. August FET #2 & October #3 & January #4 failed. Round 2 of IVF June 2019 failed. Surprise natural BFP Nov 2019🤞

I'm back after being off Glow for a few months. A bit of history...I had my first <a href="">ivf</a> nearly 4 years ago which resulted in my 3.5 year old daughter. Since then I've had 4 failed FETs(1 misscarriage ) and 1 failed fresh. Having only 1 embryo left my new RE recommended a hystoscopy to double check for scar tissue etc. I was scheduled for Thursday to have the procedure, I went in Monday for the preop bloodwork and my hcg came back at 3791!! Somehow I got pregnant on my own and am technically 4 weeks 6 days pregnant. Of course I'm trying not to get excited yet. Repeat BW tomorrow 🤞 Please send all the best wishes this way!