Need some positive stories on running

So I’m 7 months PP and have basically gained a TON of weight since the pregnancy. I’ve just not been taking care of myself.

My amazing husband has been supportive and finally been able to motivate me to take up running (treadmill at home). I’ve never run before. I used to be a smoker and I have an incredible sweet tooth 😱😭

I started running 2 days ago, and seriously I was only able to run for 2mins (80km/hr). And then it felt like my chest was about to explode. I’ve done the same every day since then, today I was able to push myself to 30secs more.

Can I get some stories from you guys? Did anyone start at a similar point? Does it get better and how soon? Will I be able to lose weight?

I’m trying to eat healthy but it’s not always easy with a 7month baby to care for.

Thank you for reading this far.