Born today 19.11. 40+4. *SUPER LONG!!*


17/11/19 40+2 posterior baby.

Woke up to some random cramps every now and then, did 2 laps of the lake and felt really tired and sore when we got home. Had a nap at 12pm and woke up at 2pm with irregular cramps they started to get more regular and I started to time them at 4pm at 6pm my sister, her partner and my nephew came around to distract me with a board game until around 8pm when I called the hospital to let them know of my pains.

Got to the hospital around 8:30pm having 3 contractions in the 10 minutes the midwife was timing and explained that I didn’t feel the need for pain relief and I’d rather go home and wait it out until they got worse. Checked my cervix and only dilated to 2cm but very thinned.

Got home around 10pm and watched a movie until 11:30pm when I decided I wanted to get some rest, grabbed my heat pack and had some Panadol and fell asleep straight away woke up at 12:50am to another contraction and couldn’t sleep through the pain so I decided to get up around 1:30am and watch a movie on the couch. Contractions eased off alittle around 5am and I went back to bed and fell asleep around 6am.

Woke up at 8am with my contractions still not being EXTREMELY painful, but painful enough for a long enough amount of time that I didn’t want to stay home any longer and wanted to see if they would break my waters or start labour quicker at the hospital.

Got to the hospital at 10:30am still at 2cm, had a stretch and sweep and started having more painful contractions.

The doctor came in and made plans to be induced if I hadn’t gone into spontaneous labour before 8:30am the next day.

We left the hospital at 1pm, grabbed lunch and went home to wait it out.

All contractions stopped around 6pm and went to bed without pain. Woke up in the morning and called the hospital to ask what time I should come in to start being induced and went into hospital at 9am. They were super busy with emergency c sections and I didn’t get the cervadil put in until 1:50pm. At this point I was still at 2cm, and still had a very long cervix.

I started having some light contractions that increasingly got worse, my partners sister brought in pizza for dinner, I messaged my mum and sister to say that my contractions were getting worse as time went on and we may go into labour on our own.

My mum and sister came up to the hospital just after 8pm, I was given a morpheme injection into my thigh my sister got my an exercise ball to bounce on but I was exhausted and hoped back into the bed and started slowly passing out through contractions. they stay until 1am knowing that I needed sleep before our waters were broken at 6am the next morning.

We got checked before bed and I was at 2cm and “slightly thinned” was told i would have to sleep with both monitors on all night. I was given pain killers and a sleeping tablet. I kept having contractions and needed to roll onto my side to keep them at bay.

The midwife came in at 4am because the monitors disconnected, she tried to do it all while I was asleep but I got startled not knowing where I was and jumped. I felt a little bit of liquid around my vagina so I assumed I’d wet myself being a little scared.

She said not to worry about it and she will time my contractions for abit while I was awake.

I was had 7 contractions in 12 minutes. They were more intense then the ones I had before I fell asleep or what was waking me up. Once she was finished I went to the toilet with spare underwear to change and just freshen up with a baby wipe. When I got to the sink to wash my hands I felt a little bit more liquid and though “great, my contractions are just making me piss myself now” I sat down on the toilet.. nothing. Got back up and instantly felt a gush if liquid puddle in my underwear. I walked out and said to the midwife “I think you might have broken my waters when you scared me” (mind you, my partner had been trying to “scare me into my waters breaking” for 3 weeks) and my partner instantly woke up and sprung into action helping me through contractions. The midwife checked and it was definitely my waters! And told me I was no 3cm and thinned almost completely. Woohoo! The midwife suggested I try to use the gas to breathe through my contracts as she said they had progressed a lot quicker and seemed more painful then the ones the night before.

My partner called my mum, sister and student midwife to let them know it was all happening, when they showed up around 6am the monitors were no longer reading baby’s heartbeat and they asked to screw a monitor into babies head. Being completely out of it I pretty much pointed straight at my partner and he said yes. They checked while they were doing that and I was now 4cm in 2 hours! I asked when I was able to get an epidural because the pain was unbearable!

After about 15 minutes they decided the monitor tracking my contractions wasn’t working very well and they wanted to put a “koala” in, which was basically a large rod that went into my vagina to track all contractions I had. They laid me back in the bed and the pain mixed with the gas made me pass out for about 5 second. It was the weirdest feeling I’ve ever had. Can’t even describe it.

Within 10 minutes they came in to do the epidural and I was having back to back contractions lasting 1-1/2 minutes with 20-30 second breaks between each. I was literally screaming in my partners face because I could not deal with the pain at all!

While getting the epidural I had 2 lots of contractions that my body was trying to push through, after 4 attempts at the epidural, it finally worked and I looked at the midwifes and said “I know it is going to sound silly but my body is trying to push? I think someone should check me?” They checked me after a few more contractions at 6:50am and I was dilated 10cm and my body WAS trying to push. So in less then an hour my body went into over drive and dilated me from a 4cm to 10cm. 😳 the epidural kicked in and I felt NOTHING I couldn’t feel any contractions, or anything at all. My family and doctors were shocked how I went from SCREAMING to laughing and talking as if I was in the beginning of labour all over again. I was still having contractions 1-2 minutes apart but other then a tingly feeling in my vagina I couldn’t feel anything so they put in a drip that would make me contractions more painful and I never even used the epidural button. They said they would give my body 1 hr and then they wanted me to try and push when I had a contraction Because I couldn’t feel anything at all I was basically guessing when I had contractions and stopping pushing once I couldn’t breathe anymore. I started pushing at 8am. At 9:20am I was exhausted! I had been pushing for what felt like forever and her head was RIGHT THERE. Baby was starting to get distressed at this point so the midwife called down for some help. 10 minutes later the doctor came in with about 6 midwifes and other doctors. He said the next push I did he would cut me to help guide the baby out. I held off for ages and then my next push he started the episiotomy and she was out, my partner was putting her onto my chest and cutting her cord.

She had fluid in her lungs and I only got to hold her for less then 2 minutes before they rushed her to special babies care.

💞 Little Audrey Jane born at 9:44am 20.11.19. 💞She’s still in special babies care and haven’t gotten to nurse her yet but hopefully she will be ready to come out tonight or tomorrow.
