LO reciting books from begining to end. How common do you think it is...?


Before I start: I want to be honest about my excitement about my child’s interest in reading and her advancement in speech. However I disagree with the idea that speech advancement is everything for advancement in general and I truly believe every child is or will be advanced/successful in one or couple areas relative to others. For example my LO is a horrible sleeper, ok eater, not very physical and going through a major terrible twos🤦🏻‍♀️

So here is the story:

While I was reading her, my daughter started finishing up my sentences at about 14-15 months old. I noticed this by accident during a cab ride one day. She hates car rides and she loves books so I am/was using books as distraction while we ride. One day I paused in the middle of a sentence to cough and she kept going on and finished it correctly. So I thought it was just a coincidence and tried again and she did it again. So I turned my phone on and recorded it. Even cab driver recognized and joined my shock/excitement...She is almost 25 months old now and tonight I found her reciting a book we just started reading her 3-4 days ago ( Owl Babies- great book btw) from cover to cover. I tried to convince her doing it again so I can record and she did it again but of course my extreme attention distracted her a bit. I picked up couple other books from shelf and she did pretty much same. So I went ahead and googled it and saw a post where a mom shared a similar story about her 2 yo kid and a lot of commenters said it is pretty common. I am not that sure honestly, so wanted to ask here if is it that common? Or Is there anyone who is experiencing it too?

Like I said at the beginning I am here to share one good ability of my kid, not saying she is advanced in everything else so please please don’t worry yourself if your kid is not able to do the exact same thing that she does cause I am pretty sure she can’t do many things your’s has been doing for a long time. Thanks!

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