Brienne • Writer. Hopeless-Romantic. Makeup-Enthusiast

Hello All!

Just wanted to give you all a word of advice if you are struggling to conceive!

(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor am I authorized to give sufficient medical advice, just speaking from my perspective as a mother myself.)

Many of you may have been trying for a baby for sometime and have had some difficulty. Here are a few things to try to help get things in motion!

1. If you have been on birth control (mini pill, IUD, etc) and you are now ttc, please allow yourself at least 6 months for your periods to REGULATE! Your periods need to get back on track before you try for a baby. This is significantly important because it will help you to track your ovulation dates more accurately! In addition, you have a decreased risk of having any complications in the early months of pregnancy (miscarriage, ectopic, etc)

2. If your periods are regular (28-36 days) and you are having a difficult time conceiving, speak to your doctor about PREGNITUDE. You can find it on amazon. It is a supplement that supports fertility and regular ovulation and it has a very high success rate! But by all means, please consult with your doctor first before deciding to take anything 👍

3. Ladies, PLEASE, PLEASE, check your IUD Implants regularly! Those things are beyond dangerous! Doctors are never going to tell you these things because they are making a nice commission from every one they administer, however they have been known to cause many issues for women down the long run when they have decided to eventually have children. (By all means DO YOUR RESEARCH!)

4. Lastly guys, I know this might sound tough, but try to focus less on ttc and more on just enjoying sex with your SO! It makes the world of difference! I’m telling you, you’ll look up and think, HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN??? (II) (+) (pregnant) 😂👍

Please let me know if this helped!!!
