Men 🙄


It's 1 am and I have the whole bed to myself. "Oh where is the hubby?" You might ask. Well this man decided to try sleeping on the floor. Since 9pm he has been snoring his head off in the small space between the bed and our dresser. Unfortunately this also means I am wide awake hoping he will wake up uncomfortable and come to bed as there is no room to lay beside him on the floor (not that I particularly want to sleep on the floor either)

If any of you ladies are like me and can't sleep without someone beside you, I hope you understand mg struggle. I can't even let my dog in the sleep with me as I'm covered in stingos gel and I know she'd try to lick it off me or stink out the room in her sleep.

Not sure why he thinks that's going to help his sore back (I found a lump on his back and he thinks this will help instead of the doctors like I keep telling him)