Can we have some postpartum realness
Hey mommies, I wanted to make this post because the postpartum phase is crazy. With my first baby I had NO idea that your stomach won’t magically disappear after you give birth! 😖😖😖
I was 21 and so naive I brought my regular clothes to the hospital! And after both my first and second child it took about 5 months to lose all the weight, during which time I had melt downs and cried in my closet thinking I would never fit in my clothes again. Desperate to lose the weight quickly I would eat lettuce with only vinegar on it and veggies, cutting my calories down to a stupid number considering I was breastfeeding and I felt like absolute shit. I lost the weight but I was constantly tired and getting headaches ( on top of the no sleep you get those first few months, super smart I know!)🙄
I was miserable, we all see celebrities moms looking amazing as fuck like three weeks after pushing a baby out, I even googled other regular moms to see if I was looking normal and it felt like the only ones who would post online wrote things like “ oh I just breastfeed I don’t even work out and the weight just melted right off!” Which didn’t help.
Now after my third c section in December, I’m 28 now, I didn’t cut or count calories, I just ate healthy Whole Foods and listened to my body. It took a little longer to lose the weight with this one, for a while I was stuck at 127 pounds ( I’m 5’3 and 110 normally) and after about 7 months I was back to my normal size. But it took WORK and listening to my body.
Everyone needs to back the fuck off of new moms, having a brand new baby is hard enough without being pressure about looks, whether you gave birth vaginally or via cesarean your body went through one the of most insane things a body can handle! For god sakes I don’t see anyone pressuring someone who had another type of surgery to get in the gym a few weeks later! 😤😤😤
Whatever you are feeling I promise you aren’t alone! People usually only post the good shit online, but we’re all humans. Be kind to yourself because you are fucking amazing

Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.