Im not sure I can even come up with a title

This morning while I was making my husbands breakfast, my two girls had done ate so they were playing or so I thought, my 5 and 2 year old were in the bathroom with cups getting water out of the toilet and my youngest was drinking it. Gross I know and I already was feeling bad about letting it happen but I can't be in two places at once and I feel as if he should have kept an eye on then as well since I was busy. We've been having problems with my 5 year old not coming to tell us when her sister is getting into things shes not allowed to. Thankfully I keep all medicine/harmful things out of each of their reach but didn't think to shut the bathroom door because I've not been having a problem like I said till just recently. In the past two days they have been sneaky to get gum out of our bedroom, which the door was closed and my youngest doesn't open, they play with curtains knowing it's a big no no, long story short they're both doing the things they not supposed to or allowed to do and my 5 year old is just letting certain things happen when she could come to me and tell me. Well my husband flies off the handle this morning. Starts yelling at our oldest, busting her ass and throwing things at her but dilibertly missing, calling her idiot and stupid, telling her she has no brains and she's mental. I understood whooping her butt ONCE, but to continue with such harsh words to a 5 YEAR old idk what that's about. And it's not the first time. I can count on one hand the many times he's done thus but today is just the topper for me. That's still my baby whether it was her fault or not. They're kids and it happens. I feel so defeated. He does the same thing to myself so I know the words hurt. I have nowhere to go, no place to stay but here. I pray for it to get better for him to better himself in that way. I see these posts by women whose partner cheats, gives stds, abusive physically and mentally so I feel like I have it good beings it's a one in a lifetime thing. I just can't do it anymore. Daily I think about removing myself from the equation but I know I can't leave my children for him to raise alone. I'm so depressed and I don't want my daughters to feel the same way.