After Miscarriage Craziness

Leigh • Momma to the sweetest boy 💙 & one angel baby praying for my 🌈

Okay, so back in September I went to get a 10 week ultrasound of my baby, and we discovered that the baby had stopped growing around 6 weeks. To say the least, I was, and still am, devastated. My hope was restored when my doctor told me he was fine with us waiting just one normal cycle to try again since I had a DNC. Right at 4 weeks after the procedure my cycle returned, normal. So, now, here I am, and it is Cycle Day 33, and no period has shown up. I’ve had random spotting, but nothing like I’ve ever had before. Only when I wipe, and not every time I wipe, just sporadically. I don’t think we are pregnant, but I’m just upset that my cycle must not be normalized yet like I thought. Has this happened to anyone else in this group? Any thoughts? I’m driving myself crazy over here.