6 week growth spurt symptoms?


It’s been a tough few days. Super fussy. Screaming to the point it’s difficult to console him for up to an hour at a time. One of the only ways I can calm him is to swaddle his flailing limbs, place him on his side very close to me- either I’m sitting and he’s sideways, belly to belly, or I lie him down next to me in a quiet room- plus shushing and pacifier. Seems hungrier than normal but kind of thrashes around when he’s eating. Wants the binkie, spits it out, wants it, spits it out. Kicking off of anything he can- if I’m sitting in a chair, he kicks off the arm. If I lay him on his side, he starts kicking me. Oh, and practically jumps off my shoulder and head butts me when I burp him.

I didn’t know motherhood was a contact sport!

Anyone else dealing with this? Please commiserate! I could use some moral support.