Manipulative baby daddy rant

My ex is the most manipulative person I have ever met, unfortunately and the last few weeks he has been back at my house staying due to he's own issues and no other accommodation .. About a month ago I was at a close friends birthday and I also got a ride home afterwards with my best guy friend, he and I have close friends for 10 years and the last 5 years he's also became my exes best friend as well. My ex wasn't happy about our friend dropping me home after a party and started being emotionally abusive and threw accusations around constantly, the friendship became strained and I even felt like I was doing something wrong just by having a conversation with said friend. He still hasn't stopped with the accusations. Just this weekend he went out clubbing at night and returned home the next day around 1pm after partying and driving around with a cousin of mine and her friends, I didn't get as mad as I would've because we are no longer together but I reminded him how he accused me of bs with our friend but when he rides with girls It's no biggie, I can't forget the fact that whenever I am out with my girls he is constantly texting me and if I don't reply he starts Txting those same girls trying to question where I am and what I'm doing. I've had enough of the one way shit with this guy but I still have to deal with him for a few more weeks before he catches a flight home. Arghh I'm not sure what I'm asking or wanting to hear but I just needed to vent considering he doesn't understand why it would annoy me or piss me off.