
I live in a super liberal college town in the Midwest. So, like breastfeeding in public has never caused issue and babywearing is the absolute norm.

Yesterday, I ventured to the next county over. It’s just very different. It’s the wealthiest county in the state and definitely more conservative. My daughter and I went to the mall. There was no good place to feed her. I ended up trying to find the most secluded place in the food court, but it was still sooo crowded. I had walked around the entire level before that, trying to find a place to feed her that was potentially more private.

I got a lot of glares. A parent told their child, “Let’s go sit somewhere else...” it was super uncomfortable for me. I don’t use a cover, but am very modest. This is how my daughter eats, and I am going to feed her. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Next, I put her in her ring sling. Some people stared like I was crazy. Some looked amazed. It was also very uncomfortable. Like, I am just trying to wear my baby.

We went to a local restaurant to have lunch with a friend. It was chaos (as it is when you eat out with an infant). I was trying to manage the diaper bag, my purse, my jacket, the car seat, etc. I placed the car seat on a chair and took my daughter out. I had her securely in my arms, and then accidentally knocked the car seat off the chair.

A woman at a nearby table in the snottiest voice ever was like, “Oh my god! Is your baby seriously in there?!”

...Like, no, Susan...I am very clearly HOLDING her. Which, even after I show her that, she is still talking about it.

Sounds stupid and petty, but it makes me not want to leave the house with my daughter alone. People are so judgmental sometimes. 🤦‍♀️