Painful sex

So it’s really painful for anything to go in my vagina. Wearing tampons, fingering, sex, all of that is really painful to me to the point where I end up crying almost anytime I put in/take out a tampon 😅 I went to the doctor about this and got the most unhelpful answer possible, god she made me feel stupid she gave me this dirty look and said “just don’t have sex or wear tampons if it’s painful.” So I’m pretty frustrated, I’d like to figure out what the problem is because I like sex and I don’t like pads 😂 I’d say I’m still somewhat inexperienced with sex because my boyfriend whom I had my first time with a couple years ago is long distance so we don’t see each other often, and he suggested that maybe that’s why it hurts, like because I’m just not used to it? But I don’t think that’s it because my first few times it didn’t hurt at all and felt like it should. I don’t know if anyone would know anything about this but worth a try.