Would yo uh leave tour husband over Credit card debt?

If your husband has a history of lying about financial stuff and you recently just found out his maxed out a credit card that he told me he owed $14,000 but really he owes $20,000. Also he owes 3000 on another one. What would you do?

I too owe A LOT on my credit card. I used mine for school books, tuition( dont qualify for aid since I'm married with no kids) vacation (flew to see my brother graduated from basic training) Had to recently help my mom so I couldnt work for a month, and my dog vet bills so I owe $11000.

I know I'm going to get A LOT of hate and lecturing but I honestly dont know how to confront him yet because I'm going to explode. Been married for 6 years and I just can't believe the hole that we are in. I'm know it's our fault but I honestly don't know what he is spending his shit on. I'm completely open about my spending.