Ok, so for about 3 months now I’ve been messing around with this guy. Everything has been going great, so far... Before we had started messing around, I would always get pains in the area where my period cramps would be, but my period was never on at the time the pain was occurring. I ended up going to the ER and the lady you know, opened me up and stuck her fingers up there. While doing that, she pressed down on my stomach which caused pain. Blah blah, fast forward, she said I had no STDs, wasn’t pregnant and was just irritated. This was about 6 months ago, and the same thing is still sometimes happening. Soo nooow, me and the same guy are still messing around, and the pains are still there. They come and go though. As I lay here and type this, I’m feeling the pains. Any advice I can get for that? But, anyways, so yeah. Me and they guy have been messing around for a while and he has came in me I wanna sayyyy, 4x.. So we recently had just had sex, and after sometimes just didn’t smell right when we were done. But I knew it wasn’t me, cause I showered before and I’ve never had a scent down there. Turns out, it was me. So now it’s like the smell won’t go away, and it’s kinda scaring me. We hooked up last week I want to say, and before he came over, I took a long hot shower. We had sex or whatever and after we were done, I smelled his hand. Not exactly sure how or why, but yeah. I could tell he had touched his penis after we had sex, because it smelled like what I had been smelling☹️ I’ve never had this smell before or any smell to be honest. It’s a fishy sorta smell. Any advice orrrr anything? Any help would be great! Also, I do plan on going to the clinic this week. I haven’t had time to do so because of work and having no transportation. (Excuse any typos)