Is this normal for a pregnant woman?


Okay so.. my cousin got married and it was a shock for everyone. He didn’t plan getting married and he jus announced the engagement and got the girl.

Let me explain.. he lives in the village, they have to live with his family (5 more people), they are both young (19 and 22 years) and have NO JOB or money.

She was really nice at first, but she did showcase some of the signs of crazy. the family members didn’t grasp that, but she looked like a demanding type, and a bit stupid (like really stupid.. no basic knowledge, no critical thinking abilities).

Well.. i’m happy for them if they’re happy, but I noticed my cousin being miserable. She yells at him, restricts him from smoking, and sometimes even physically touches him. I don’t want to get involved and tell him that it’s not ok so I just gently told him that he should not let her do that.

Well.. she’s now pregnant and CRAZY!!!!!

🔴 She demands around $500 every week (they are poor).

🔴 She wants a separate TV in their room and a fridge.

🔴 She wants a huge wedding and her birthday in a restaurant.

🔴 She demands his social media passwords and wants to read everything he send to everyone.

🔴 She ran to another city to “study” and waited for him to go and get her (like in the romantic stories). (She lives in a fantasy world).

🔴 She disrespects his family members and even told his grandma (who is my grandma too) that she hated her!!!!

And the situation is getting worse and worse!! On social media, they are a perfect couple, but in real life, they’re going through hell!!

I know it’s not my place and I shouldn’t get involved. He made his choice. But I don’t like her talking to grandma like that.

But before I tell her anything, I need to know if such behavior can be caused because of the pregnancy?! I don’t want to make her feel bad or accuse her of something when it’s not her but the hormones.

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