So this is my last and only time posting it

Ok so yesterday some like flat thing came on my lip it doesn’t hurt and never did , I automatically thought herpes because idk so I went to this boys house yesterday and I had on lipgloss and he was like wiping it off my lips then he was touching my private area down there and idk if he used a different hand so I’m scared what if I did have herpes and it transferred to his hand then he transferred it to my genitals I’m like really scared I’m also a virgin and I’ve never received oral and everyday I’m always checking myself to see if anything is out of the ordinary because I’m a hypochondriac a BAD one I think there’s something wrong with me every week .. my dad wants to get me a therapist but I just can’t raise the fact what if he gave me herpes and what if I gave it to him when we kissed and today when I went to go look in the mirror the scab is nearly gone I mean you couldn’t really see it that much to begin with it and wasn’t a bump it was super flat and I went to my nurse today to ask her if it looked like a cold sore and she said no , and my friends have had one & they have also said it doesn’t look like one my nurse told me that it just looks like peeled skin and that it could get infected so I should put Vaseline on it she told me I shouldn’t have a cause for concern unless it be ones a blister or filled with some but I tend to believe google more over doctors and nurses idk I just need something that can put me at ease when it first came

The next day you can’t really see it because it’s basically gone , though today I decided to peel my lips because I have a habit of doing so my nurse told me I should stop if I’m always going to b worried abt have herpes