Glow & FF ovulation date different from Premom?

Amy • Biz owner, was a teen mom to a now 18 year old 🩷. Baby #2 was a 5 week NICU warrior born @ 34 weeks in August 2020 💙. Baby #3 born at 33+2 in June 2023, currently in NICU 🩷

Cross posted in BBT chart forum as well for more answers.

So I have sustained 4 temps that are higher than the previous 6, which I thought confirmed ovulation on CD15 since that was my temp dip. But for some reason even though I entered identical information into all 3 apps, Glow & FF have me at 4DPO but Premom says 3DPO with ovulation on CD16. Coverline for Glow not yet confirmed, but is confirmed on FF & Premom... wtf? Which one do I listen to?? Will Glow eventually solidify my coverline after a few more recorded temps? Will Premom adjust my ovulation to CD15 with a few more recorded temps, or was ovulation actually on CD16? Premom is where I catalogued all of my OPKs so it knows when I hit my surge/peak, so I figured it would be the most accurate. But I don’t know. I’m new to this so please forgive any ignorance. Thanks in advance!

Glow chart:

FF chart

And Premom chart

My OPKs logged with Premom