19 month old with a cold

Tori • Mommy to👶🏻❤ baby girl 03/30/2018, baby girl 12/31/2019

My little girl has come down with another cold. This time she has a cough, runny nose, very tired, no real appetitie. She isnt drinking as much as usual and of course she refuses to drink anything but milk 😩.

We took her to the pediatrician and the doctor said she looks good that its just a viral cold thats going around.

She has moments where she is playing and happy and then other times when she just wants to cuddle with us. She has been napping more too..

This all started Thursday- she spiked a fever but it responded nicely to tyelnol.

We have been doing tyelnol, vapo rub, humidifier, rest, fluids (well trying... she is very reluctant to drink, its only small sips but she still peeing), plenty of cuddles.

I just have never seen her more miserable.. she just wants mama to hold her. Should i be worried or does this sound normal for a cold?