

Ok soo... This is my first successful pregnancy. Ill be 15 weeks in 1 day. Baby is doing great its me thats the problem. I feel ugly. My husband is getting frustrated. I can only do doggy style because it doesnt hurt me or make me feel like im hurting my baby. I cant even do that one position for long because my hips hurt. Instead of my hair growing.. It's falling out. Instead of clear skin I have acne all over my face! I feel ugly, slack... Just not myself. Hes been looking at other females on Facebook and Overdosing on pornos... Witch makes me feel no better. When I cry about it .. He get upset so that just lets me know he doesnt understand and maybe never will. That makes me feel even more alone. I'm trying not to get depressed beacuse I know if I stress so does my baby. I just dont know how to turn these emotions off to protect my little one because if I could id fall into a depression fast! But its not about me any more witch is also an adjustment ... I feel so bad. I cant be the only one.