my egg donor

hannah • momma to an angel👼🏼 momma to a rainbow little girl❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 with God, ALL is possible!

my “mother” has always been shit. me and my brother have never been more than a meal ticket for her. not an exaggeration by any means either. growing up she constantly told us “i don’t know what i’m going to do when you guys are 18. your child support is how i live”. now i know some people will say “oh she just needs that supplement to make ends meet” but no. that’s not it at all. regardless of that though, she’s always been mentally abusive, all the way to even border line physically abusive. before i ever even kissed a boy she would say i’m a slut and every other name under the sun. she would headbutt me, punch me, spit in my face etc. when my brother was in trouble shed make him squat and spank him with a holy leather belt, and hit i’m in his balls to “teach a lesson”. but even more than all that recently she kicked my brother out at 17 (i was kicked out at 15 but that irrelevant to the point) and moved in her boyfriend of 3 months and his 7 year old granddaughter. my brother was staying with his gf but they broke up so my mother reluctantly let him come back. while he was “living” there (for two weeks) she would CONSTANTLY tell him he isn’t welcome there, he can’t eat the food that’s there, he can’t use the shower or wash his clothes there. etc. plus this is his first REAL breakup, and yes it’s dramatic but he isn’t taking it well and on top of that my moms treating him like shit so his mental health is depleted. a month ago he was watching tv with the sound off and she came out of her room screaming and bitching that the light was keeping her up. before he even had a chance to turn it off she punched him in the face! mind you, he was only watching tv as a means to distract himself from hurting himself in anyway. so at 4 in the morning me and my fiancé drive out and get him. he stay with us for 2 weeks but given that we live with my fiancé’s gma right now, he couldn’t stay any longer. so back to my moms he had to go. not even 2 days there and my dad calls me at 12 am to say he has my brother. he was clearly upset but he wanted me. to talk to my brother about what had happened. so i drove over and we got to talking. turns out that while my mom and her bf were eating dinner his granddaughter didn’t like what was made so she started picking. her gpa started yelling and scolding her so i guess my mom tried to defend her and that made her BF anger and he started yelling at my mom. my brother doesn’t let anyone disrespect women in front of him, so he ASKED my moms bf to not talk to her like that. that sent my moms bf into a rage, which lead to him packing all his stuff to leave. of course my mom started crying and begging him to not go. so then she came back out of her room and told my brother he had to leave because she wasn’t going to loose her bf. my brother said okay and went to go get his tooth brush from the bathroom (in my moms room) and her bf DREW HIS GUN ON MY BROTHER. my mom then proceeded to hit, bite, and knee my brother in the privates because he tried to defend himself against the gun in his face! I finally have had enough. i told her to not expect to see her granddaughter (i’m 23 weeks) and that to me she’s dead. she not only chose a man over her son, but a man that threatened the life of her son for no reason! it breaks my heart because ive never wanted anything more than to have a good relationship with my mom, but i refuse to let her be around my daughter with her mindset. if you read all this, thank you for letting me vent. if you have advice feel free to leave it, but otherwise i needed to just get off my chest.