I never thought this could be me...


I was married to a man for nearly 4 years who abused me physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout our entire relationship. He broke me down to the lowest I’ve ever seen myself go. Spent time in the mental hospital, therapy, countless antidepressants and anti anxiety medication. I was numb for years just to get through the day. Last spring, I fell pregnant with his baby. I was thrilled... he was not. Long story short, I lost my baby due to insurmountable stress and abuse on Easter Sunday 2018. It absolutely broke me. I never got pregnant by him again, despite my want to have a baby so badly.

Fast forward to summertime - I grew some balls and I ended things. I kicked him out of the house. He has been cheating on me and I was done. Absolutely fed up. I have no idea where the glimmer of strength and self confidence came from, but I walked away from my marriage and I never looked back. Not once.

Fast forward to September... the most amazing MAN came into my life and absolutely swept me off my feet. He is the most respectful, genuine, caring, gentle creature I have ever met. He takes care of me, and literally worships the ground I walk on. We have been together since October 5th, and yesterday morning I took a test on a whim (period due tomorrow), and it was positive! 😭 I cried. He cried. I never thought I’d have this chance after such a terrible miscarriage. But God is GOOD, ladies. God’s plan is absolutely divine.

For those of you stuck in an abusive relationships wondering if maybe... just maybe, you could have a second chance at life. The answer is yes. There’s life to be lived, there’s people to be loved and who will love you back the RIGHT way. ❤️

EDD: August 9th - Leo Baby on the way!