Unexpected Tings (a lil tmi)

Christina • 29| 13yrs💑| 🎀6.6.2018 | 💕💙twins 6.4.2020

So I found out mid October that me and my S/O would be expecting again, we were not trying, with us going out of town next month we were playing it safe, no pregnancies until at least after my birthday (1/27) but as usual nothing really goes as planned around these parts.. October was a rough month for my girl parts I ended up having a yeast and bv infection and we probably only had sex like 3 times at most. I remember coming home from one of my fitness classes and when I was about to take a shower I saw light pinkish brown discharge which alarmed me because I was no where near me coming on, hell I believe I was still in my fertile period.. so I scheduled a drs appt.. everything was negative and I just had a yeast infection.. well fast forward 2 weeks and I’m late, but I was totally convinced I was NOT pregnant I mean the dr told me so 🤷🏽‍♀️ I took a pregnancy test on my 4th late day and low and behold, a big fat positive!

But wait there’s more...

I had my first appt today, 8 week check up and as if God hadn’t had enough in store for me.. BOOM! Twins.... I am so overwhelmed at this point guys, my daughter is 18 months next week, this was SO unexpected

My emotions are everywhere, my boyfriend is being super supportive but I know the news is very overwhelming to him as well, words of encouragement are greatly appreciated! ❤️


Thanks so much for the support everyone! I still can’t believe I’m carrying two whole babies 🥴 thinking back on the day I had my appointment I wish I would’ve asked more questions and asked to hear the heartbeat, I saw it but I didn’t hear it (both were 167bpm) which she said was good, I think the nurse knew I was in shock lol I didn’t move or speak for the whole duration of the ultrasound 🤦🏽‍♀️ and now I’m kinda like why did I do that lol my next appointment isn’t until 12/26 and I can’t remember if I get an ultrasound then, I know it’ll be blood work but I really hope I get the chance to actually hear the heartbeats this time.. whew that vacation is needed now more than ever lol