Going from 2 kids to 3?

M 🌻💕

Hey moms, I have a 5yo (actually will be 6 in Dec) and a 3.5yo and just wondering what it’s really like to go from 2 kids to 3. Give it to me straight. We’re still on the fence and I’m leaning towards waiting til my younger child starts kindergarten to have another baby if we do indeed decide to have another... My husband is so funny... he goes through these back and forth periods of either “I’m happy with our two” or “I think it’s time, let’s have another baby” lol. I don’t feel like we’re done with having kids, I just don’t think the time is optimum yet. But I think we’re at a point where I can probably start asking for advice because I can start trying to plan for that eventuality, even if it doesn’t happen for another year or more.