We don’t have the same plans? What do I do?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. Earlier this year, we accidentally got pregnant, but it unfortunately ended in a very early miscarriage. After that happened, something sparked inside me and I really wanted to actually start trying for a baby. He wasn’t on board.

I told him I would like to have my first baby by 25 so we agreed on trying for a baby next year. I’ve brought it up recently, as the end of the year is approaching, and it seems like he is no longer on board with this plan. He now wants us to be married, with a bunch of money saved up, and be debt free. He’s pretty much pushed our ttc plan 1-2 years. I love that he’s thinking responsibly but part of me is upset that we’re no longer on the same page. The last thing I want is for him to feel pressured, though.

I’ve considered working overtime at my job to help get him to his goal of being debt free but he’s too proud to let me help him.

Any advice, please? I really love this man and I want to work it out so that we both get what we want. TIA

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