Af coming or pregnant?


So I'm now 2 days late for AF, I having super minor cramps which is abnormal firnme since I get wicked bad cramps starting a week before AF comes. I'm nauseous and was throwing up off and on all day yesterday and actually haf to leave work early. I have alot of watery discharge which i thought was AF so i ran to the bathroom so I wouldn't ya know make a mess but nope all clear watery shit. And my cervix I like medium height super soft and closed. I had a negative test three days ago and I wanna pick up some.home tests but like i don't wanna waste my money when my insurance covers blood work. So should I call my Dr in a few days and see if i can get some labs done or wait a few more days? Anyway what do these symptoms sound like. I really don't wanna get my hopes up if AF is going to be a bitch and make her appearance yet again. Thank you in advance for reading all this. And baby dust to all of you lovely ladies and gents who are ttc ❤️❤️